Painswick Playgroup is located within the grounds of The Croft School in the heart of the village of Painswick, in Gloucestershire. Our playgroup is special because the building is for playgroup and toddler group use only. No-one else uses this provision so the facilities and decor have been devised with the children in mind.

Our building consists of a large main room with kitchen, toilets and reception area. The toilets include a facility for disabled children and baby changing area. The main room has a home corner for role-play, craft area with painting easels and a quiet reading corner. We have a computer and tablets for the children to use. The learning environment is bright and welcoming. Walls are decorated with photos, children’s work, and items relating to current topics. Each child has their own named coat hook and tray where they can leave belongings and artwork that they wish to take home.

Outside, we have a large enclosed garden with a covered play area which means that the children can go outside in all weather. In the garden there is an adventure climbing frame, mud kitchen, sand pit, play house and various other play toys. We also plant flowers and grow vegetables in the garden.

The playgroup has a large selection of bikes and scooters for the children to choose from. These are used on the school’s playground behind the playgroup building, where we also play physical games and activities.

Playgroup Hours
Monday to Friday (school term time only)
NB: Tuesday sessions are for children in their preschool year only

8:45am – 12.00pm Morning session
12.00pm – 12.30pm Lunch club
12.30pm – 3.30pm Afternoon session (Friday afternoon sessions finish at 3pm)

Please note that all children are required to attend for a minimum of 2 sessions per week.

Age Requirement
Children may attend Playgroup at the start of the term following when they turn 2 years and 9 months. This would normally be in September, January or April.

The cost is £5.36 per hour* for children aged 2 years and 9 months, and £4.50 per hour* for children aged 3 or 4 years (above the 15/30 hours free entitlement). Fees are billed at the beginning of each term and prompt payment of fees is appreciated. If fees are not paid by the end of the term, we reserve the right to refuse admission in the following term, until the fees are paid.
Lunch Club is £2.00* per session.
*Please note fees are subject to increase.

Government Funding
We offer both the 15 hours free, and 30 hours government funded childcare for eligible children over the age of 3, for 38 weeks of the year. Your child becomes eligible from 1 September, 1 January or 1 April following their 3rd birthday.
Where a child attends two or more settings for 15 hours per week, you can now choose how to share the funding between providers.